Deerfield Beach, FloridaAt Hallowell, quality is not a new concept! It has been our way of life since 1903. All our products are designed & engineered to last a lifetime. No matter what the product is: Hi-Tech steel shelving, Industrial Grade Workbenches Rivetwell boltless shelving, 800 series steel storage cabinets, Superior portable gates, bulk storage Lockers, Quick ship all-welded and KD lockers, production all-welded and KD lockers or early childhood cubbies, you can rest assured that our products are user-friendly, environmentally friendly, safe, and extremely durable. Everything we create is meticulously crafted with experience & care as we strive to satisfy all the needs of our clients.
We take great pride in sourcing domestic materials and components and remain committed to producing our high-quality products in the USA! We have warehouses that are strategically located around the continental US to maintain our high standards for prompt fulfillment of your orders. With this unparalleled distribution network, Hallowell continues a tradition of quality and service.